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angle-left ADVISORY: World Trade Organization (WTO) Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Latest Notifications – 02 January 2025

The latest bulletin lists a total of 11 notifications covering various sectors such as agriculture, chemical technology, petroleum and related technologies, road vehicle engineering, and telecommunications, audio, and video engineering.  

The respective issuing economies and the final date of comments are provided below:   


  1. Legal harvest assurance for the forestry and wood - processing sector, New Zealand, 4 March 2025 

Chemical Technology 

  1. Chemical substance: poly (oxyethylene) - Addendum, Japan, deadline not indicated 

  2. Chemical substances – Addendum, Japan, deadline not indicated 

  3. Chemical substances: poly (oxyethylene)- alkyl phenyl ether – Addendum, Japan, deadline not indicated 

  4. Biocidal products: Formic acid, European Union, 2 February 2005 

Healthcare Technology 

  1. Non - automated non -invasive sphygmomano meters, Dominican Republic, 1 February 2025 

Petroleum and Related Technologies 

  1. White medicinal oils (paraffin oils), Egypt, 2 February 2025 

Road Vehicles Engineering 

  1. Child restraint systems – Corrigendum, United States, deadline not indicated 

  2. Vehicles, their parts and equipment, Ukraine, 2 February 2025 

  3. Motorcycles and mopeds, China, 1 February 2025 

Telecommunications, Audio, and Video Engineering 

  1. Radio communications equipment used frequency 5.925 -6.425 Ghz – Addendum, Thailand, deadline not indicated 


Please submit your comments to the DTI Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) thru email at and copy the DTI Export Marketing Bureau ( The BPS serves as the Philippines’ National Enquiry Point (NEP) and the National Notification Authority (NNA) for the WTO-TBT Agreement.   
